How do you read Jack's discussion of "the networks, the circuits, the streams, the harmonies" (46)?
Jack's trip to the automated teller machine was an important insight into Jack's thought process. It is because he gets the same amount that he expected to get, that he feels relieved. This is why he feels confident in the system and feels its "blessings". It seemed that he was looking to the system, an invisible force, for approval of his own efforts to sumarize his expenditure. He felt its support. He felt safe and secure because the mainframe from which all this data was recieved was secure, in a locked room and yet, he could interact with it, use it and thus when the mainframe confirmed his efforts, there is a sense of safety, and awe at the system. He thus feels oneness with them. There is a sense of peace, safety and harmony with the things surrounding him. His looking to the system gives us a feeling that he has faith and confidence in something which is invisible, surprising and yet, secure. This might in some way be compared to priest's belief in God and His power.